Internet/Telecom/Social Media

The Internet is dead! Long live … television?

So says Mark Cuban. Now, I’m typically a big Cuban fan. But I’m looking at an AdAge report on his remarks from yesterday’s Cable Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM) Summit, and I’m a little puzzled.

Speaking at the Cable Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM) Summit in Washington yesterday, Mr. Cuban declared “the Internet is dead” in an otherwise subdued panel that included executives such as ESPN President George Bodenheimer and Time Warner Cable CEO Glenn Britt.

Read the rest at Black Dog…

5 replies »

  1. A good pitchman always tells the fools what they want to hear. Then, too, so does a good con man!

  2. I love you in a really unholy way for this post, Sam. So forgive me for bagging on one of your people. 😉

    Cuban opposes net neutrality because he’s a big supporter of video over Internet–never mind that the former in no way would restrict the latter. This thought of his is very much in the same keeping as telecom companies like AT&T–they want to reduce the user to the passive consumer, just as the television model does. By locking down content and pushing VOD over UGC, they want to trap people into being prey for advertising.

    Cuban admits he was wrong about HD demand in that article. I am compelled to invoke the character “Ra” from “Platoon” when he was upbraiding Charlie Sheen–“Wrong? You ain’t never been right! About nothin’!”

    Cuban’s a perfect example of how you can be incredibly successful in business through luck, timing, and self-promotion, because the guy’s made a career of hyperbolic statements that never bear out. And his blog reads like it’s written by a 14-year-old MySpace junkie.

  3. He could use an editor, that’s for sure.

    Your criticisms of Cuban tell me that you’re not a basketball fan, either.

    I’m beginning to wonder if his particular genius was really confined to the moment in which he made his zillions – this doesn’t sound like a guy who can think across contexts….

  4. Mark Cuban reminds me of someone who keeps showing the public how lucky he was ONCE, and is a one-hit wonder.

    Go away annoying Mark and be grateful.

  5. Sam,

    I’m not really much for organized sports in general, but of those I do appreciate, basketball doesn’t rank high on the list. 😉 So perhaps I’ve simply not been exposed to Cuban’s sheer genius on a regular basis.

